Monday, 21 November 2011

Birthdays, sickness bugs and samples!

Well been a long week, my birthday last monday(no longer a teenager:(), had a lovely day then caught the disgusting sickness bug! Here is my bay on my birthday, THANKS GIRLS!:)

But back at uni now and ready to carry on with my samples and developing them to be more beautifullll!
Here's a few I've been working on!...

Been playing around with etching onto copper, going to oxidise these to make the etch black and start creating!

Been trying to use mixed media too so here's a sample of textiles mixed with jewellery.
I'm pin riveting pieces of tin onto etched copper. This was just a quick sample but I'm going to develop these by using vintage typewriter ribbon tins to rivet.

And finally... here is my beautiful tool box full of suprises!



  1. you are beautiful

  2. Your work looks lovely, Lucy. I love the whole vintage thing you've got going on. I look forward to having a lovely look around your blog.

    Kim PS Thanks for following at feather & Nest:)

  3. Aw thanks very much!
    I love looking round your blog:)!

  4. I didn't get to see the reply you made to your uni friend with the same name as mine! LOL I've done that before. It can be really embarressing, depending on who it is and what you've said. Hehehehehe!!

  5. Aw well glad you never read it haha how funny! xx
